Shipping Information
All orders ship worldwide using FedEx or DHL Express from RedWhite Apparel's warehouse in Singapore. This is a fast, reliable and tracked private courier service. Best of all, this is free.
Unfortunately, we do not offer a delivery option for PO Boxes, Parcel Lockers, APO/FPO Boxes. Please make sure your shipping address is a residential or office where someone can receive the package at.
FedEx / DHL Delivery Time : 8 Days or less (please note the Delivery Delay Clause below)
DHL Express and FedEx serve the vast majority of the world. If you happen to live in a country that is not served by FedEx or DHL, your order will be sent by an available alternative. This will include :
- United Parcel Service (UPS)
- Aramex
- SF Express (for Asian countries not served by FedEx, UPS or DHL Express)
Singapore customers
If you live in Singapore where our warehouse is based, your order will be shipped using QExpress. Delivery will take 2 working days.
Order Processing
When your order is placed, it will be processed and handed over to the courier within 48 hours (weekends / holidays not included). All items in your order will be packed into a single package and sent to the given shipping address.
Items in an order can't be split up and shipped to different addresses or sent at different times.
If you wish to make changes to your order, please email us as quickly as possible to :
Do note that changes to orders can't be done if an order has been processed by our warehouse and is scheduled to be collected and delivered by our couriers.
Please note that couriers do run 1-2 days slower at times, particularly during the holidays and during periods of peak demand. Couriers are short staffed during these periods, hence the slight delay. If you intend to make a purchase during a holiday season, please plan accordingly.
Delivery Delay Clause
Occasionally, processing and shipping orders can be delayed by circumstances beyond RedWhite's control. One example is a delay caused by manpower shortages during peak holiday period or peak sales periods. RedWhite shares a fulfilment centre with large e-commerce companies.
During festive period such as Christmas or sale period such as the 8.8 Sales for Lazada & Shopee, orders can be delayed by as much as 10 days. These happen because 3rd party fulfilment centres are manpower constrained and can only pick and pack a certain number of packages a day. When order volumes spike during such period, a backlog happens that needs to be worked through.
When such events happen, RedWhite will send customers a delayed delivery email and communicate clearly. If you are concerned about delivery delays and need something delivered before a specific date, please email Yuva at I will be able to offer you a real-time update on deliveries and you can use this to plan accordingly.
Please note that since these delays are outside the control of RedWhite, we will not be liable to offer compensation to customers who need to wait longer for their orders to be delivered. We apologise in advance for this.
All this being said, delivery delays are very rare and 99% of customers get their orders delivered within the stipulated time frame. This Delivery Delay Clause is written specifically for the rare occasions a delay does occur that is beyond the control of RedWhite.
Please note that if RedWhite or Yuva makes a rare delivery commitment to individual customers directly via personal email or personal one-to-one chat via RedWhite's various communication channels, we will honor that commitment. If random circumstances cause us to not be able to meet that delivery commitment, we will work with you (the individual customer who contacted us directly for a delivery commitment) to arrive at an amicable solution rather than invoke this Delivery Clause.
We think this is the right thing to do.
Incorrect Shipping Address Clause
In order for couriers to make deliveries reliably, we do require the customer to provide us with an accurate address. Without an accurate shipping address, a delivery cannot be made. If you have provided an address that is incorrect, please contact us asap at : As long as the package has not left the warehouse, we will be able to correct it for you at no extra cost.
In the event your package has left the warehouse and it hasn't been delivered, you could contact the courier using your provided tracking number to request for an address change. Every tracking number comes with details about the courier in use, and obtaining the relevant contact information to make this address change is fairly straightforward. There will be a fee levied on RedWhite for this address change. We will pay this fee on your behalf out of goodwill.
In the event the address cannot be corrected by us or by you, we recommend going to the incorrect address to get your package. We understand the inconvenience of doing this, but unfortunately there really is no other way.
If the package was delivered to the in-corrrect address and it cannot be found, unfortunately we will not be able to replace it or refund it.
Recommended Address for Customers to have orders delivered to using FedEx / DHL shipping option.
If you pick the FedEx / DHL delivery option, RedWhite recommends you to use their home address or long-term office address or a long-term / permanent residency address for deliveries. We actively discourage customers from having orders delivered to hotels or short-term stay locations because there is a chance deliveries may miss the time-frame you will be at those locations.
In the event you want to have an order delivered to a location you're at temporarily, please email RedWhite at
Typically, Yuva will advise you against it because there is a good chance you may miss the delivery during your short-term stay at that location. RedWhite will not be liable to offer compensation in the event a customer requests delivery to a location that is not your home address or long-term address and the delivery is missed.
No delivery to PO Box, Parcel Locker, Army Post Office Box, Fleet Post Office Box (APO/FPO)
Please note that we do not deliver to PO Boxes, Parcel Lockers, Army Post Office (APO) and Fleet Post Office Box addresses.
Import Taxes (VAT, GST etc)
For customers who live outside the United States & Singapore, please read our information about Import Taxes & Duties.
We may be unable to ship to some countries and territories
RedWhite Apparel has negotiated rates with all our couriers for most of the world. However, there will be some countries and territories for which we don't have these rates. If you happen to be from such a country, we will do our best to find a way to get our bibshort to you.
If we fail (because of exorbitant shipping rates), we will refund your order. We do this rarely and only in cases where shipping a bibshort would incur a loss to the business.
In such cases, we reserve the right to refund you and cancel your order. It does pain us to do this, but making an uneconomic sale is not in the best interest for the longevity of RedWhite Apparel.
Countries / Territories that we are unable to ship to are rare. Most customers won't encounter this, especially if you live in an area that's readily served by DHL, FedEx & Amazon.
Package Rejection Clause - Shipping Fees payable by customer
From time to time, there may rise incidents where the customer wishes to reject delivery of an order / refuse to accept delivery. These incidents are rare.
If a customer willingly rejects delivery and informs the courier to send the package back to RedWhite Apparel, we reserve the right to bill the customer for the shipping costs & handling fees incurred in sending the package as well as shipping costs & handling fees incurred in having the package returned to us.
This clause is written not to be punitive, but exercise fairness. RedWhite Apparel covers the cost of shipping packages to customers worldwide (Free Worldwide Shipping) and places trust in the customer being a good faith actor and taking delivery of the package. Rejecting delivery breaks this trust and as such, it is only fair that we recoup costs incurred in shipping fees & handling fees.
We will be transparent and send the customer the bill from the courier and deduct the amount from the order before refunding the difference.
Please note that we do not bill the customer for shipping fees incurred by a package being returned due to no fault of the customer. For example, an incorrect address, customer not being at home, natural disasters etc - reasons that are unfortunate but not because the customer willingly rejected delivery. We understand unfortunate circumstances like this and go above and beyond to support our customers and ensure they receive their packages at no extra cost.